
Many older people may miss out on the benefits they are entitled to, and which could make a big difference to their quality of life.  They may find the application process daunting, be reluctant to seek help, or simply be unaware of their entitlements.

CHEER provides a vital service to such people.  Uniquely, we offer home visits by our fully-trained advisers to guide them through the benefits available and to help them with the paperwork. Typically, two or more hours are needed per visit so that our adviser can help the older person gather the evidence needed to support a claim and fill in the often long and complicated paperwork.

This service is currently available only in the eastern part of Elmbridge, i.e. Esher, Oxshott, Thames Ditton, Long Ditton, East and West Molesey, Hinchley Wood, Claygate, Weston Green, Stoke d'Abernon, and Cobham.

In a typical year, we will help secure around £300,000 of additional benefit income for older people in east Elmbridge.

The main benefits we can help with are:

Attendance Allowance (AA)

Attendance Allowance is available to those

- who are 65 or over
- whose medical condition means that they struggle with daily tasks i.e. personal care (this does not include shopping or cooking)
- and who have struggled with daily tasks for at least 6 months.

Depending on the circumstances, the Allowance may be paid at either the lower or higher rate.  It does not matter how much income or savings you have to receive this benefit.

Council Tax

This benefit may be available to people with dementia or Alzheimers who are receiving Attendance Allowance and satisfy other criteria.

Blue Badge

People who have problems with walking or other mobility problems may be able to get a Blue Badge to enable them to park near shops and other places they wish to visit.  This can be for the person’s own vehicle or that of a friend or helper who provides transport.  It may be necessary to attend an assessment with Elmbridge Borough Council.

Pension Credit

This is an income-related benefit which could top up an older person’s weekly income if they are below the Government weekly threshold.

Housing Benefit

This is available to help pay rent for those on a low income.

Our advisers will be able to help determine if an older person may be eligible to claim any of these benefits.

If you would like help with claiming benefits to which you may be entitled, or know of someone who may need this kind of help, please contact us.  All referrals and subsequent actions are handled in the strictest confidence.

"CHEER helped my brother with his pension, attendance allowance and housing benefit. He is hugely grateful and so am I.  Will you please pass on our thanks for such a wonderful job"

Contact us

Address for correspondence:

Claygate Centre
Elm Road, Claygate
KT10 0EH


Jayne Mather - 07935 732568

Irene Belcher - 07732 310907

Charlotte Chatwin - 07395 940282

Charity number 1133482.
Company Registered in England & Wales number 7102376.

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